"You actually fly that thing?"

I built a helicopter. When you consider how small the pilot population is in the United States, and that only a small percentage of that population build and fly their own aircraft, and an even smaller percentage of that population build and fly their own helicopter -- well, you would think that would be something special. What I typically get, however, is "You actually fly that thing?" Like I built it out of old washing machine parts and duct tape. Yes, I actually fly that thing. Close to four hundred hours so far. On one occasion I flew it from Tulsa, Oklahoma to West Bend, Wisconsin in a single day. Nine hours on the controls. Five fuel stops. It's a kit made by a company called Rotorway (www.Rotorway.com), and they offer a superb product. I am far from the only person to ever have built one. And mine is not the best ever built, but it's the best I've ever built and a few people who know these things far better than me have said it's one of the better completed kits they've seen. Yes, I fly that thing. I love every minute of it.

Howard Seaborne